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Industrial Subcontracting ServicesMetal Fabrication and/or Installation, CNC Plastics and Aluminum Routing, Parts Painting Custom, Small-Batch and/or ProductionSigns Manufacturing Corporation provides industrial subcontracting services utilizing our specialized equipment and abilities. Contact SMC directly for a quotation on any of these services. Metal Fabrication Contracting ServicesSigns Manufacturing™ constructs structural cabinetry and structures. We are fully equipped to process using steel or aluminum, and can incorporate plastics and fabric materials. We employ Certified Welders. Horizontal, vertical, and overhead. DFW Metal Works™ is a trademark of Signs Manufacturing Corporation™. Structural Installation Contracting SpecialistsServing the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and ALL of North Texas
Signs Manufacturing and Maintenance Corporation is a "Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprise." CNC Routing Contracting ServicesPlastics including acrylics and polycarbonates, aluminum, plus mdf, mdo, and wooden materials can all be precision routed on our CNC-controlled precision routers. Our tables can route from materials up to 6' x 12'; unique in the DFW area. PlasticsRouting™ is a trademark of Signs Manufacturing Corporation™. Parts Spray-Painting Contracting ServicesSigns Manufacturing™ utilizes our own paint intermix system. The system uses the latest in paint mixing technology; more sophisticated than any paint store's. An astonishing 32,807 colors can be mixed. Virtually all PMS (Pantone) colors can be closely matched. Metals can be painted with either a solid color or "metallic" finish. Our painters are factory-trained and certified. Our painting is virtually blemish-free. Painting air is cleaned and dried twice before entering the paint booth, and again before painting. Our state-of-the-art paint booth, 25’ by 25’ by 16’ tall, with full-sized entry/exit doors on each end, filters the air coming into the booth as well as the air discharge. (The booth even has its own built-in explosion-proof lifting crane.) PartsPainting™ is a trademark of Signs Manufacturing Corporation™.
FOR ORDERING OR ASSISTANCE CALL:214-339-2227 254-582-7446 817-861-1234 903-561-5959 940-365-3433 972-850-3300 877-SINCE79 toll freeBusiness Hours Signs Manufacturing & Maintenance Corp.
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