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DFW's Largest Custom Sign Company |
Call Now! We're waiting! Our Team of Experts are standing by to Answer Your Questions: (877) SINCE79 toll-free (214) 339-2227 Dallas (817) 861-1234 Fort Worth/Arlington (972) 850-3300 Other DFW Areas (254) 582-7446 Hillsboro/Waco Areas (903) 561-5959 Athens/Oklahoma (940) 365-3433 Denton/North Texas Email our Sales Team: |
Types of SignageTurn-Key - Manufacture | Install | Service North Texas' (DFW's) Largest Custom Sign Builder
If a sign costs you money
it is not doing its job.
We manufacture more than business signs. We make, install and service church signs, school signs, apartment signs, park signs, governmental signs, architectural signs, etc; interior signs as well as exterior signs. Unless we are doing other work for a current customer we do not make banners or do vinyl lettering, even though we have the equipment to do so. Our skills are better utilized in other areas. Major product groups are listed down the left side of this page. They include channel letters, pole or pylon signs, Monument signs, wall cabinet signs, digital electronic LED message centers, neon and other products. "Click" on a tab to learn about that product and our manufacturing processes. Discover how we make each sign to last; including the use of CNC manufacturing, rust-proof metal, structural-steel frames, high-end automotive paint, high-impact plastics, and most importantly, sophisticated protective coatings. We even add self-cleaning properties. A Brighter Future ... Using Less Energy™ ![]() Cabinet signs with color graphics and PinLights™ LED first-surface lighting is a hands-down winner. Signs Manufacturing™ incorporates a patent pending design into our unique high-tech new-look PinLights™ concept. View either the "PinLights™ LED Signs" or "LED Sign Faces" tab for any cabinet sign type for details. New, modern-look LetterLites™ Channel Letter signs that use patent pending first-surface LED lighting to advertise during the day are well worth considering also, as are automatically color-changing SpectraLites™ channel-letter faces. We champion energy-saving signs solutions that save our customers money while protecting our environment. No matter what type of signs you are considering, explore our "Lighting Choices" tab for that product, with its own "Energy Savings" tab. Solar powered lighting options are included. We could do things which would make our signs cheaper in initial cost by lowering their quality, but the cheap sign builders always have THEIR best interests in mind, not yours. We will build you signs that will cost you the least, and earn you the most. It should also be very cost competitive. Guaranteed Highest Quality ... Guaranteed Lowest Price™As detailed below, and on the pages that follow, everything will be done to make your sign look better, and last longer...Guaranteed. Signs Manufacturing™ also guarantees that our price will be the lowest price you can obtain on the products described in this website; now or anytime during the next 90 days. If you are offered a lower price by someone else we will match that lower price PLUS give you 10% of the difference. What does anyone say who can't compete in quality, timeliness, professionalism, etc.? "I can save you money!" But with Signs Manufacturing's "Guaranteed Lowest Price" that's just not true. You CAN have it all! This is another reason we're the largest.
We can design and build your next sign while maintaining Social Distancing guidelines
Our showroom is open and sanitized so you can safely review the different options available for your new signage. Also, we have many options to help design your new look, from collaborating remotely (from your own home bridged to our design team) to designing with you in our Projection Room, which is large enough to maintain Social Distancing. Visit Our Unique Sign ShowroomWe invite you to observe all other types of signage, viewing them up close as well as from a distance, under varying light conditions (and stay out of the weather while doing so!)
With the addition of our new Interactive Transforming Storefront our Showroom contains over $750,000 In Business Sign Ideas alone, not to mention sign ideas for Churches and Schools!
LED Sign ShowroomIf you are considering purchasing an LED Video Display or Digital LED Message Center sign this exclusive opportunity will be particularly important. You must determine what type of sign, and which LED spacing is best, so that your sign will be successful, considering how you will use it.
are always available for you to compare. Live Showroom Demonstrations of Products that Improve Your Signs
No one else can offer you this unique opportunity. Be sure to take advantage. If you don't visit it could cost you thousands in sales every year. Can you afford not to? Innovations in Lighting - The Sign Lighting LaboratoryHistory teaches us that over 30% of a business street's traffic is at night. Add the dark days when it is smart to have your sign lighted, and you quickly understand why sign lighting becomes the sign's 2nd most important attribute, right after the sign's design. Our Sign Lighting Laboratory has developed absolutely unique lighting methods for our signs. You'll have to come see them. You don't want your sign to light the same as everyone else's. You want to stand out and be seen!
Will your Sodium Vapor or Metal Halide parking lot lights affect the colors of your sign at night? How visible will your pylon sign's border neon be during the day? Should you consider PinLights™, LetterLites™, SpectraLites™, or Trembler™ signs? Brighter Signs™ neon or SolarBrite™ LED lighting for channel letter signs? Fluorescent or HID lighting for your monument sign? Do Daylight or Cool White fluorescents make your sign's colors look best? What are the differences between a flex-faced, a Lexan™, and an acrylic-faced sign cabinet? How will shadows affect my sign's readability during the day? Should the wall behind my sign be light or dark colored? Would a different type of sign look better on my brick wall? Should I consider a routed sign face with push-through letters? Your business will be better because you do. "I almost made a huge mistake by not listening to you and visiting your showroom prior to buying my sign. I thought I knew what I wanted, after listening to so many salespeople...boy, was I wrong. My vision of the sign did not jibe with what it would really turn out to be, even after viewing so many drawings. It was obvious the moment I entered the showroom. If I had stuck to my guns my sign would have been a disaster. I would have wasted a lot of money." Cecil Drake, Drake Communications Please Call AheadIf you can, please call ahead to let us know you're coming!
Free Factory TourCome and see the array of equipment and tools, and the facility dedicated to making good signs. Contact a sales consultant to arrange a plant tour. SignDawgsTV™ Studio TourCall us if you would like to tour the Sea King Productions™ Studio building. Energy Saving SignsWe champion energy-saving signs solutions that save our customers money while protecting our environment. No matter what type of signs you are considering, please explore our "Lighting Choices" tab for that product, with its own "Energy Savings" tab. For instance, PinLights™ and LetterLites™ signs consume 0.1 watt per light at 5 volts DC! One thousand lights left on 8 hours per day for 365 days will use $4.01 in electricity. EZ Install Signs™Each product category ("Tabs" on the top left of this page) has a "EZ Install Signs™" tab of its own. "Click" that tab for information explaining about signs manufactured so that you can install them yourself. Parts SuppliesTo purchase sign and neon parts and components, please go to http://Sign.Parts. How's THAT for an easy-to-remember website?The Quality Certified Signs™ Difference - People You Can TrustQuality Certified Signs™ is a training, certification, and continuing education program designed to train all sign company personnel to take better care of their customers utilizing knowledge-based performance. Certifications are available in:
ALL our personnel are Quality Certified Signs™ qualified because we also want the job done right.. The organizations that assist in developing and monitoring Quality Certified Signs™ training programs:
Large or Small, We Make (and service) Them AllWhether it's the largest sign in Texas, above and to the left, one of our Sunburst LED Signs™, or one of our smaller signs, Signs Manufacturing manufactures, installs, and services them all. Just the Miller sign's cabinet is over 35 feet tall and over 45 feet wide. Notice our Quality Certified Signs™ Technicians to the left and right of the sign on the ground, and under the sign as it is being installed on it's 150 foot tall pole. ("Click" on the images to enlarge for more detail.) We are the ONLY manufacturer of digital LED signs in Texas. Click Here for our Sign-Types page, or Here for our Photo Gallery pages to see what we do. Industry-Best Guarantees, plus Lifetime Coverage*
Visit our Guarantee and Warranty pages for each sign-type to learn more. We provide our customers protection that lasts forever! And, all our Guarantees and Lifetime Warranties are transferable at no additional cost! *See our Terms and Conditions (or ask your Sign Consultant) for details. Full-Service Sign Company (Designing, Engineering, Permit Filing, Listed Manufacturing, State-Licensed Install and Sign Repair)
Learn what type of entrance sign is best for you by viewing the examples in our Sign Showroom. Your business will be better if you do. We welcome like-for-like comparisons. If you have another quote, visit their facility and see how they operate. Then come see how we do it. We know you will be impressed with everything that we do for you! If nothing else, "Google" both production facilities addresses to see the size of each operation. Our Dallas Office, Showroom, Shipping and Mailing address is 4610 Mint Way, Dallas, Texas 75236. Our Dallas sign Factory addresses are 4540, 4550, and 4560 Mint Way, Dallas, Texas 75236.
You will find that many of our competitors (some with very slick looking websites) are presenting themselves as full-service companies but in reality they are only brokers, marking up somebody else's product then reselling it to you; they are a sign store. Many even have no way to actually install a sign themselves. And once you buy it from them they offer no service. We install and service what we manufacture and sell. Just our Installation and Service Annex is larger than most other sign companies.
Our Gang
Using Our Website to Learn | The Knowledge Tree™![]() Your sign forms that very important "first impression" your potential customer has of your business. Your sign must always look nearly as good as it looked the day it was installed so that you don't give potential customers a worsening impression of your business as your sign ages. ![]() An example of our dedication to helping our customers succeed is this website. It IS the definitive source on signage information, ranked by Alexa® in the top 0.05% of ALL websites in the world, the top 0.01% in the USA! We call our website The Knowledge Tree™. Online since 1997, this website is full of information regarding signs. Our database to create it requires over 8,000 pages; more information than some "encyclopedias." The website tells you how we manufacture our signage, and why. Knowledge Tree™ links are on the left side of every page. For instance, click our "Types of Signs" button, then pick any of our products, and explore that page's tabs and discover how we make each sign to last; including the use of CNC manufacturing, rust-proof metal, structural-steel frames, high-end automotive paint, high-impact plastics, and most importantly, sophisticated protective coatings. Go to our "About" page and select tabs to learn about the history of Signs Manufacturing, and many other subjects. Unsure, or unconvinced about the importance of signage to the survival and success of a business? Click our "About" page's "Importance of Signage" tab. Please use and enjoy this 550+ page website with over 3,000 images, the largest information resource about signs on the internet, created so you can learn about all types of signs and how you can control their affect on your image and business. We believe that if you're a knowledgeable purchaser there's a real good chance you'll become our customer.
FOR ORDERING OR ASSISTANCE CALL:214-339-2227 254-582-7446 817-861-1234 903-561-5959 940-365-3433 972-850-3300 877-SINCE79 toll freeBusiness Hours Signs Manufacturing & Maintenance Corp.
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