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EZ Install Installation SuggestionsLocate the position on your wall where you want to install the channel letter sign. Check behind the wall in this area to insure that the mounting hardware can be installed, what mounting hardware to use, and that electrical service can be run to the location.
Measure the raceway’s length and mark its center. Measure from the center to each mounting hole. Mark the center of the location where you want to install the sign on the wall, and measure from this location and mark the locations of the mounting holes. Make sure that they are level, and placed properly vertically in relation to where you want the sign’s letters to be. Note that the mounting holes on the raceway are NOT in the center of the letters vertically. Measure the raceway for the location of the power supply hole, and mark this location on the wall also. Drill a 5/8” or larger hole completely thru the wall for passing the electrical conduit to the rear of the wall. If practical, a hanger-bolt (included) can be installed in one of the end mounting bolt locations. The raceway’s mounting hole can be slid over the bolt, and temporarily secured with a nut and washer (also included.) Now the raceway can be pivoted into place, secured by the other mounting bolts, then the hanger-bolt can be replaced. Hook up your electrical and you’re done. The above are installation suggestions only. You are solely responsible for the security of your sign. Our Terms of Sale state specifically, among other things, that “…THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES HEREIN CONTAINED ARE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT IS NOT RELYING ON Signs Manufacturing Corporation's SKILL OR JUDGEMENT TO SELECT, FURNISH, INSTALL OR MAINTAIN SIGNS SUITABLE FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND THAT THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH ARE NOT CONTAINED IN THIS SALE.”
FOR ORDERING OR ASSISTANCE CALL:214-339-2227 254-582-7446 817-861-1234 903-561-5959 940-365-3433 972-850-3300 877-SINCE79 toll freeBusiness Hours Signs Manufacturing & Maintenance Corp.
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