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The Many Considerations When Buying an LED Display
Sunburst LED Signs™™ - What Does It Have?![]()
OVER 100 INSTALLATIONS JUST IN DFW How Does a Sunburst Sign Compare To Other Brands?
Aluminum Sign CabinetsMany LED sign companies are just finally realizing the benefit to fabricating an all-aluminum sign cabinet. SunburstLEDSigns has been doing it for years! Aluminum dissipates heat better than steel. By fabricating our signs out of all aluminum we make the entire sign one big heat sink! Since heat is the enemy of electronic components, this dramatically improves the life of a SunburstLEDSigns digital display, far beyond our competitors. That doesn't mean we don't ventilate the signs properly, we do. Our signs have IN and OUT flow venting to constantly move hot air outside of the sign. Many LED sign companies believe, incorrectly, that just making an aluminum box will keep the heat out. Try standing in an aluminum box in Texas in June and tell me it's not hot... One other nice aspect of aluminum signs is that they do not rust like the steel framed signs. Many Chinese companies are now using aluminum because they have to ship in the parts overseas, and they're finding that those signs are rusting before they even arrive on the US coast! Thankfully, we aren't having to ship the signs form China, we build them right here in Texas! Which Model Sunburst Sign Is Right For Me?
Take a look a the chart to the right. You can see how the number of LEDs in the sign really jumps up ... but the price doesn't! You get a lot more for your advertising dollar with a higher resolution sign. Be sure to ask our Representative which resolution is ideal for your situation. We will take into consideration the viewing angle, viewing distance, type of messages you would like to put on the sign, the size of the sign, the City ordinance, and many, many more factors. Then we'll make a recommendation. Plus, we'll give you OPTIONS and explain what the differences are. Not only that, but we'll show you the differences! Our showroom has SIX different models of LED signs for you to review and see for yourself what your new sign will look like!
FOR ORDERING OR ASSISTANCE CALL:214-339-2227 254-582-7446 817-861-1234 903-561-5959 940-365-3433 972-850-3300 877-SINCE79 toll freeBusiness Hours Signs Manufacturing & Maintenance Corp.
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