Sign Market Research Center
“…research from the
University of California at Berkeley found that 68% of purchases were
unplanned during major shopping trips and 54% on smaller shopping
trips. To take advantage…your business will need an effective sign to
attract attention.”
The NewYork State Small Business Development Center
Free Professional Sign Market Research Survey
We've installed over 100,000 signs in the Metroplex. We have
eight university-degreed marketing professionals, and a university-degreed
finance professional on staff. We can get you the answers you need to make
a decision. We've done it thousands of times.
We know that if you are an informed buyer there is a very good chance you
will become a successful, lifelong, customer. Therefore it is important to
us that you are extremely successful.
We are here to help you. As part of our new sign service we will:
research out how much traffic you receive in front
of your business
determine how many people will see your sign every
compare the cost per impression you will receive
over the life of your sign
analyze how effective your logo and sign are at
conveying the message you want for your business
analyze the impact that your color choices will
have on the effectiveness of your sign
analyze how efficient your sign delivers your
message to traffic in front of your business
look at options to achieve a more effective sign
without adding cost
determine if your money is being spent wisely on
your sign
Why Do You Need A Sign?
Everybody knows that you need a sign for your business, but have you ever
thought about why? Sure, a business needs to be identified and, of course,
it's important that your customers can find you. But what else?
If that's the only reason for a sign then just put up a piece of aluminium
with your name on it ... or cardboard!
Ultimately, your sign will become the face of your business. Your sign is:
- the first thing your customers see,
- it's how most of your customers will know your business exists in
the first place,
- it sets the very important first impression,
- it will be the most used photo in all of your other marketing tools
(online, print, mailers, etc.),
- it's insanely cheap compared to other advertising,
- it's targeted to your area (the people most likely to buy from you),
- a good sign will set you apart, in a positive way, from your
“Your business needs as
much visibility as it can get!”
Charles Russell
We are also here to help with sign marketing decisions that affect the look
of your new sign.
What Questions Do You Need Answered to Make an Informed Sign Purchasing Decision?
- What will the sign look like once it is installed?
- How will the sign compare to surrounding signs?
- How will my sign compare to my competitors?
- What kind of image will this environment create for you?
- How will my storefront look on Google, etc?
- Would a more expensive sign be better for your business?
- Would a less expensive sign be better for your business?
- Does the city allow the type of sign you want?
- Are there any size or placement restrictions?
- Does your landlord allow the type of sign you want?
- Do they have size or placement restrictions?
Can the sign be physically installed, or are there obvious problems; engineering, safety, vision, installation, cost, overhead obstructions, under hangs, setbacks, visibility triangles, electrical, other?
- What will total costs for each sign choice be?
- Can these costs for the sign choices be justified by increasing business?
- How long will it take to begin creating an additional profit?
- What are the traffic counts for the location you are considering?
- Should you be installing this sign at this location?
- What are your purchasing options?
- What are your leasing options?
- Will you qualify for a free LED free-standing sign?
- What other advertising options and opportunities do you have?
* United States Small Business Administration (SBA) figures.
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